Our University is constantly improving and developing, which is reflected in the increase in positions in various rankings. Currently, in the field of Materials Science it is ranked as #1 Russian university and in the group of 101+ best universities of the world (QS ranking). Our Department has strongly contributed to this. In 2021, the department rose in the ranking of NUST MISIS departments from 7th to 4th place (out of a total of 44 departments)

Materials science  is an interdisciplinary science at the intersection of solid state physics, physical chemistry, molecular biology and medicine, crystal physics, etc. Materials scientists study the nature of the properties of materials, the fundamental ways of controlling these properties and the development of materials for various functional purposes with an optimal combination of properties.

Materials science developed since ancient times and will remain one of the most relevant areas in the future. Every day a person uses a great variety of all kinds of materials and devices based on them. Almost all of these materials are artificial, and the rest of the natural materials are subjected to one or another type of processing. Materials discovery and study, and their processing in order to obtain the required operational qualities are the main tasks of a materials scientist.